The Four Glories
With the passing of Great Azuri, Godsfall is ruled over by four primal deities that embody the four cardinal alignments.
[Domain Notes: Domains in (parentheses) are subdomains of the domain preceding them. Domains in italics are third-party domains. All listed domains can be found at on the Pathfinder SRD.]
Thahtma, the Sun Knight
Alignment: Good
Portfolio: Sunlight, honor, valor, fidelity
Favored Weapon: Lance
Symbol: A golden sunburst
Domains: Fire, Glory (Heroism, Honor), Good, Nobility (Leadership), Protection (Defense, Purity), Sun (Day, Light)
Description: The Armored Maiden, Heaven's Queen, the Liberator, the Lion of Man. Many are the names given to Thahtma, most virtuous of the Gods of Faengleis, most noble and most glorious. Her churches can be found in any civilized land, but it is the Empire of the Sun--founded in her name and dedicated to her glory--where her influence is felt the most. She was the first Glory named by Great Azuri at the creation of the world and it is from her that all life and light flows. Fire is a fragment of her power and heat a reminder of her strength, but it is in the heart of noble men and women that she is most at home. She pushes those who would serve her to do right by the meanest and lowest as they would by the highest, to do what is right and proper despite the temptation to do what is easiest, and to never lose sight of the importance of protecting the innocent, not simply persecuting the wicked. Thahtma cannot abide the presence of undead, commanding they be purged on discovery, but believes that all living things are capable of redemption and so always advocates the capture and rehabilitation of foes rather than their outright death whenever possible.
Divine Power: When facing undead, followers of Thahtma are capable of inflicting critical hits against them. All the additional damage inflicted is charged with holy power, inflicting positive energy damage as the power of the sun infuses their weapons.
Feyoon, the Moon Tyrant
Alignment: Evil
Portfolio: Moon, betrayal, evil
Favored Weapon: Greataxe
Symbol: A red crescent moon
Domains: Darkness (Loss), Death (Murder), Destruction (Catastrophe, Rage), Evil, Retribution, Strength (Ferocity), Trickery (Deception)
Description: Everything that Thahtma is, Feyoon is not. Known as the White Lady of Chains and the Great Whore, as the Queen of Hounds and the Despoiler and Spider-Mouth, she holds sway over the basest instincts of mortals and seeks to corrupt all that she can and destroy what she cannot. Worshiped by the mountain orcs and the illithid in their buried dens, it is from her that evil first entered the world of Faengleis. Jealous of her sister who was named before her, hateful of everything she wants to build, Feyoon dedicates herself to the pursuit of evil and demands the same of all who would taste her power. Many large cities will build a temple in Feyoon's honor, an opulent thing of fine craftsmanship and rich decoration in the hopes of distracting her whenever her baleful eye falls upon their homes. Only the Empire refuses to indulge in this tradition, having out-right banned the worship of Feyoon in any form. On the far opposite, the cultural degradation in Xain coupled with the allure of power without morality has begun to draw a worrying number of nobles in that country to the hedonistic worship of the Moon Tyrant.
Divine Power: Whenever a worshiper of Feyoon slays an individual capable of using holy magic granted by Thahtma (such as a priest or paladin), they have a 50% chance of regaining any spell they used during that encounter. The roll is done separately for each spell expended, starting with the highest level spell and working down.
Vakad of Far Places
Alignment: Law
Portfolio: Stars, astronomy, destiny, prophecy, the afterlife
Favored Weapon: Unarmed
Symbol: A ring of seven silver stars
Domains: Darkness (Night), Dream, Fate, Knowledge (Thought), Law (Inevitable), Magic (Divine), Repose (Ancestors, Souls), Time, Void (Dark Tapestry, Stars)
Description: Most enigmatic of all the gods born by Great Azuri's hand, the Seven-Eyed Watcher stands as the gate between life and what lays beyond. He reads the great skein of cause and effect that rules all living things, casting his predictions as fate, reading the story of what will be through an absolute understanding of what is. Called also the Old Man and the Tome of Endless Pages, he is tasked with seeing that all who live eventually die and has been given the Inevitables as his mortal agents: somewhere between living things and constructs, they exist to be given a task by the Clockwork God, which they will fulfill with a single-minded zealousness that mortals can scarcely comprehend. He is aloof and though he has many followers--especially amongst academics--communion with him is frustrating as he is often distracted and speaks mostly in riddles and barely-related musings when he does speak. Most of his time is dedicated to looking outward, contemplating the stars and what they mean. Most monasteries in Faengleis are dedicated to--or at least inspired by--Vakad's teachings, which include thinking beyond one's body, the concepts of mind over flesh, and of internal balance creating external power.
Divine Power: Any follower of Vakad can use the stars to determine several things at just a glance. They can always know generally where they are, the cardinal directions, what time of night it is, what time of the year, and what the weather will be for the next twenty-four hours. Additionally, once per night they can "read the future" in the stars. Though this does not give them any concrete insight about what is to come, it grants them a +2 competence bonus on any one action of their choice during the next day (such as a skill check, attack, or saving throw), when they suddenly realize the meaning of the prediction.
Nurket, the Screaming God
Alignment: Chaos
Portfolio: Insanity, chaos, and fear
Favored Weapon: Club
Symbol: None
Domains: Chaos, Madness (Insanity, Nightmare)
Description: People do not worship the Weeping Genius so much as suffer from him, his churches often doubling as sanitariums for his "priests." Rarely evil, his followers still cause much damage in their madness, always tempted to tamper with the proverbial nails that hold up the house of the rational world. For his part, the Master of Nothing does not tamper with the physical world, instead touching on the dreams of the weak-willed and the waking musings of the brilliant, which often leads to madness and genius being unwilling bedfellows.
Divine Power: When selecting your cleric domains, you can instead choose any two opposing domains (such as Good and Evil, Fire and Water, or Death and Healing). When preparing your domain spells, you can choose a spell from either of these domains as well as a your granted power from either. This never increases how many bonus spells you can cast per day, merely gives you two domain spell lists to choose from instead of one.